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hey:) kennst jemand alle lieder die in rubinrot vorkommen? wäe cool;) Danke schon mal <3 Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet Hey, also entweder kannst du sie selber raussuchen, wenn du einen stream mit deutschem Abspan...

O início do livro já te surpreende, é um dos melhores inícios de livro na minha opinião. É algo que te prende, te deixa surpreso, curioso e, ao mesmo tempo, é sinistro. O en...

«Todos estaríamos indignados y luego le daríamos la vuelta a la página. Así es como normalmente terminan estas historias, pero yo estaba equivocado y la suya era solo el comienzo». Al huir de su hogar sin nada excepto l...

We're going to break it down for you into the two simple steps: It's got to be the day time Riolu needs to have maxed out its happiness If you're not sure how to make your Riolu that happiest a...

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It is usually in response to a question requiring a confirmation. answered Oct 4 '12 at 6:59 Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged meaning expressions or ask your own question.

He was a great soul who left this world entirely too soon. BUT, I can't help but wonder if he's still alive, somewhere living a simple quiet life without all the fame anyways, an EXCELLENT read. Reviewed in th...

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